Please pick up after your dog!

dog poop on lawn photoI have  two kinds of neighbors-One, that’s well equipped with poop baggies and another who rationalizes all types of poop makes good fertilizer. For the obvious reason I need to point out our favorite type 2 neighbors live a lie. 

 People, pick up after your dog. Its that simple. If you can’t pick up your dog’s shit, then you deserve to step on it every day, as I have  stepped on your dog’s poops at least twice this past month.  I don’t need to break out the owner’s manual and explain It’s part of the responsibilities of being a dog owner. This most decent thing to do is to pick it up anyways. You see it, you bag it, then you trash it. Even if you don’t have any bags or you run out, go to the closest grocery store or ask another dog owner for a bag. I’m sure it’s like the most responsible thing to do. If you don’t pick it up, you are just plain lazy.. and RUDE!! Not picking up your dog crap totally dirties the community you live in. Imagine if you weren’t the only one not cleaning up after your dog. Dog poop can also spread GERMS. Duh. It can spread diseases to other dogs and animals. If your dog caught a horrible disease because of someone elses laziness, you’d be really pissed.. right? I thought so. Plus, as a dog owner, I’d think you’d have that sympathy. It’ll anger soooo many people including your neighbors. Now, if you don’t want angry neighbors who will report you.. then make sure you bring some plastic bags with you:). If you don’t care about being lazy, dirtying your neighborhood, your dog getting diseases, etc.. then hopefully getting fined will scare the crap out of you. Yeah! You can get a big ol’ fine for not picking up after your dog. So.. yeah!
Please pick it up. :)<img src=”” alt=”:)” class=”wp-smiley” style=”height: 1em; max-height: 1em;” />

dog poop photo<img class=”aligncenter” title=”gc365day14 by leppre” src=”” alt=”dog poop photo” width=”312″ />

Photo by leppre <img class=”lazy lazy-hidden” src=”” data-lazy-type=”image” data-lazy-src=”” alt=”” /><noscript><img src=”” alt=”” />

Photo by jasminedelilah <img class=”lazy lazy-hidden” src=”” data-lazy-type=”image” data-lazy-src=”” alt=”” /><noscript><img src=”” alt=”” />

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